Results for 'C. Javier B. Seoane'

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  1. Marcuse y los sujetos: teoría crítica mínima en la Venezuela actual.C. Javier B. Seoane - 2001 - Caracas: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.
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    Repensar el «dilema» comunitarista-liberal en venezuela.Javier B. Seoane - 2006 - Dikaiosyne 9 (16).
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  3. Max Weber, educación para las ciencias y formación democrática.Javier B. Seoane - 2010 - Aposta 45:2.
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  4. Antropología filosófica y teoría social.Javier B. Seoane - 2007 - Episteme 27 (2):169-187.
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    Microcredit and Economic Growth in Ecuador from 2013 to 2023.P. Mauricio Rivera, B. Karina Álvarez, P. Willman Carrillo, L. Diego Logroño, C. Patricio Juelas & D. Javier Saavedra - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:351-368.
    Microcredit has emerged as an effective instrument for achieving financial inclusion, stimulating productive activities, and with this support, reinforcing economic growth. This study aims to examine the characteristics of microcredit financing in Ecuador and to quantify its impact on economic growth. The study employs quarterly data from 2013 to 2023. An Error Correction (VEC) model was utilized to ascertain the short- and long-term effects of microcredit and investment on GDP. The findings indicate that microcredit and investment do not exert a (...)
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  6. Índice acumulado.Publicación Telos - 2000 - Telos (Venezuela) 2 (2):181-186.
    Artículos Naturaleza, carácter y violencia: derivas a partir de Schopenhauer. Nature, character and violence: roads from Schopenhauer. Grave, Crescenciano Sobre la posibilidad de un fundamento analógico y simbólico. Ensayo de hermenéutica analógica. About the possibility of an analogical and symbolic fundament. Essay of analogical hermeneutic.Maldonado, Rebeca Consideraciones biojurídicas sobre la vida en el embrión humano. Biojuridical considerations on life of the human embryo. Parra Tapia, Ivonne La Europa unificada según Leibniz: irenismo y política. A unified Europe according to Leibniz: irenism (...)
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    The Neutralist Analysis of Similarity.Javier Cumpa - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (1):37-47.
    Consider two similarity facts: a is similar to b with respect to G, and c is similar to d with respect to G. According to the Platonist approach to similarity, the analysis of such facts forces us to admit that similarity facts are to be analyzed into facts about universal similarities of the form: a is similar to b with respect to G, and c is similar to d with respect to G, where similarity is a universal. In this paper, (...)
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    l-Hemi-Implicative Semilattices.Hernán Javier San Martín & José Luis Castiglioni - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (4):675-690.
    An l-hemi-implicative semilattice is an algebra $$\mathbf {A} = $$ A= such that $$$$ is a semilattice with a greatest element 1 and satisfies: for every $$a,b,c\in A$$ a,b,c∈A, $$a\le b\rightarrow c$$ a≤b→c implies $$a\wedge b \le c$$ a∧b≤c and $$a\rightarrow a = 1$$ a→a=1. An l-hemi-implicative semilattice is commutative if if it satisfies that $$a\rightarrow b = b\rightarrow a$$ a→b=b→a for every $$a,b\in A$$ a,b∈A. It is shown that the class of l-hemi-implicative semilattices is a variety. These algebras provide (...)
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    Learning how to decide: a theory on moral development inspired by the ethics of Leonardo Polo.Javier Pérez Guerrero - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (3):324-343.
    This study sets out the main points in Leonardo Polo’s theory of moral development, which systematically articulates goods, norms, and virtues. To make them easier to understand, each point has been compared with Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, which is well known to specialists and radically different to it. We have chosen three aspects of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development to highlight the uniqueness of Polo’s theory: a) Kohlberg does not account for the specificity of voluntary acts, particularly the act (...)
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    Jerjes y Demarato en las Historias de Heródoto: identidades cruzadas entre lo griego y lo bárbaro.Gastón Javier Basile - 2014 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 18 (1):81-99.
    El trabajo propone un análisis discursivo del diálogo entre Jerjes y Demarato previo al ataque persa contra los griegos, dramatizado por Heródoto en 7. 101-104. Se examina la interacción entre los interlocutores a los fines de: a) identificar los roles discursivos y estrategias argumentativas puestas en juego por ambos participantes, b) analizar las identidades sociales construidas en la interacción y la eventual -y remisa- demarcación de un éthos griego y bárbaro, c) especular sobre el significado del episodio en el contexto (...)
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    Inmigración Y ciudadanía: Visibilidad, presencia, pertenencia.Javier de Lucas - 2003 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 37:81-103.
    The autho r , after pointing out the reasons w h y the debate in the EU and in Spain continue to ignore w hat he calls the radical l y political meaning of the phenomenon of mig ration, tries to a r gue that the conditions and the consequences of the re c o gnition of immigration are a political question ( e v en the political question). He focuses in pa r ticular on the pro b lem of (...)
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    Habermas, identidad moderna y mejora humana. ¿El camino a seguir?Francisco Javier Lopez Frías - 2014 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 15:131-151.
    La finalidad de este artículo es triple. Primero, las secciones 1 y 2 expondrán la estructura del argumento de Jürgen Habermas respecto a las tecnologías de mejora humana. Para ello, éste será descompuesto en tres partes, que son sus pilares básicos: a) los sujetos diseñados no pueden auto-concebirse a sí mismos como autores únicos de sus vidas; b) la distinción kantiana entre objetos y personas se desvanece como consecuencia del modo en que los sujetos modificados experiencian su cuerpo; c) la (...)
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    Sub-Hilbert Lattices.José Luis Castiglioni, Víctor Fernández, Héctor Federico Mallea & Hernán Javier San Martín - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (3):431-452.
    A hemi-implicative lattice is an algebra \((A,\wedge,\vee,\rightarrow,1)\) of type (2, 2, 2, 0) such that \((A,\wedge,\vee,1)\) is a lattice with top and for every \(a,b\in A\), \(a\rightarrow a = 1\) and \(a\wedge (a\rightarrow b) \le b\). A new variety of hemi-implicative lattices, here named sub-Hilbert lattices, containing both the variety generated by the \(\{\wedge,\vee,\rightarrow,1\}\) -reducts of subresiduated lattices and that of Hilbert lattices as proper subvarieties is defined. It is shown that any sub-Hilbert lattice is determined (up to isomorphism) by (...)
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    Physical Activity-Related Profiles of Female Sixth-Graders Regarding Motivational Psychosocial Variables: A Cluster Analysis Within the CReActivity Project.Joachim Bachner, David J. Sturm, Xavier García-Massó, Javier Molina-García & Yolanda Demetriou - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:580563.
    Introduction Adolescents’ physical activity (PA) behavior can be driven by several psychosocial determinants at the same time. Most analyses use a variable-based approach that examines relations between PA-related determinants and PA behavior on the between-person level. Using this approach, possible coexistences of different psychosocial determinants within one person cannot be examined. Therefore, by applying a person-oriented approach, this study examined a) which profiles regarding PA-related psychosocial variables typically occur in female sixth-graders, b) if these profiles deliver a self-consistent picture according (...)
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    Brave global spaces: Researching digital health and human rights through transnational participatory action research.Javier Guerrero-C., Nomtika Mjwana, Sebastian Leon-Giraldo & Sara L. M. Davis - 2024 - Journal of Responsible Technology 20 (C):100097.
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    A temporal framework for conditionals and chance.B. C. van Fraassen - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (1):91-108.
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    Colour: An exosomatic organ?B. A. C. Saunders & J. van Brakel - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):212-220.
    Sections R1 to R3 attempt to take the sting out of hostile commentaries. Sections R4 to R5 engage Berlin and Kay and the World Color Survey to correct the record. Section R6 begins the formulation of a new theory of colour as an engineering project with a technological developmental trajectory. It is recommended that the colour space be abandoned.
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    Simplicity From Complexity in Vertebrate Behavior: Macphail (1987) Revisited.Stephen B. Fountain, Katherine H. Dyer & Claire C. Jackman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Actions and Speech Actions in the Philosophy of J. L. Austin.J. B. C. & Joe Friggieri - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (170):122.
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    Goals, No-Goals and Own Goals.J. B. C., Alan Montefiore & Denis Noble - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (167):264.
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    Studies in spatial learning. I. Orientation and the short-cut.E. C. Tolman, B. F. Ritchie & D. Kalish - 1946 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 36 (1):13.
  22. Plato.J. C. B. Gosling - 1976 - Mind 85 (337):120-122.
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  23. Fast machine-learning online optimization of ultra-cold-atom experiments.P. B. Wigley, P. J. Everitt, A. van den Hengel, J. W. Bastian, M. A. Sooriyabandara, G. D. McDonald, K. S. Hardman, C. D. Quinlivan, P. Manju, C. C. N. Kuhn, I. R. Petersen, A. N. Luiten, J. J. Hope, N. P. Robins & M. R. Hush - 2016 - Sci. Rep 6:25890.
    We apply an online optimization process based on machine learning to the production of Bose-Einstein condensates. BEC is typically created with an exponential evaporation ramp that is optimal for ergodic dynamics with two-body s-wave interactions and no other loss rates, but likely sub-optimal for real experiments. Through repeated machine-controlled scientific experimentation and observations our ’learner’ discovers an optimal evaporation ramp for BEC production. In contrast to previous work, our learner uses a Gaussian process to develop a statistical model of the (...)
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    Some further observations on the functional properties of neurons in the parietal lobe of the waking monkey.V. B. Mountcastle, B. C. Motter & R. A. Andersen - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):520-523.
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    Supererogation again.B. C. Postow - 2005 - Journal of Value Inquiry 39 (2):245-253.
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    Science, Values, and the New Demarcation Problem.David B. Resnik & Kevin C. Elliott - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 54 (2):259-286.
    In recent years, many philosophers of science have rejected the “value-free ideal” for science, arguing that non-epistemic values have a legitimate role to play in scientific inquiry. However, this philosophical position raises the question of how to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate influences of values in science. In this paper, we argue that those seeking to address this “new” demarcation problem can benefit by drawing lessons from the “old” demarcation problem, in which philosophers tried to find a way of distinguishing (...)
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    Book Review:The Meaning of National Guilds. C. E. Bechhofer, M. B. Reckitt. [REVIEW]D. B. C. - 1919 - International Journal of Ethics 29 (4):504-.
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    Social Solidarity in Health Care, American-Style.Erin C. Fuse Brown, Matthew B. Lawrence, Elizabeth Y. McCuskey & Lindsay F. Wiley - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):411-428.
    The ACA shifted U.S. health policy from centering on principles of actuarial fairness toward social solidarity. Yet four legal fixtures of the health care system have prevented the achievement of social solidarity: federalism, fiscal pluralism, privatization, and individualism. Future reforms must confront these fixtures to realize social solidarity in health care, American-style.
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    Human Life in the Balance.David C. Thomasma & John B. Cobb - 1990 - Westminster John Knox Press.
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    Politics and Philosophy.J. B. C. & Stanley S. Kleinberg - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (170):123.
  31. Π01-classes and Rado's selection principle.C. G. Jockusch, A. Lewis & J. B. Remmel - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (2):684 - 693.
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    The Completeness of Free Logic.B. C. van Fraassen - 1966 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 12 (1):219-234.
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    Informed consent in Ghana: what do participants really understand?Z. Hill, C. Tawiah-Agyemang, S. Odei-Danso & B. Kirkwood - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1):48-53.
    Objectives: To explore how subjects in a placebo-controlled vitamin A supplementation trial among Ghanaian women aged 15–45 years perceive the trial and whether they know that not all trial capsules are the same, and to identify factors associated with this knowledge.Methods: 60 semistructured interviews and 12 focus groups were conducted to explore subjects’ perceptions of the trial. Steps were taken to address areas of low comprehension, including retraining fieldworkers. 1971 trial subjects were randomly selected for a survey measuring their knowledge (...)
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    Personalized medicine and genome-based treatments: Why personalized medicine ≠ individualized treatments.S. G. Nicholls, B. J. Wilson, D. Castle, H. Etchegary & J. C. Carroll - 2014 - Clinical Ethics 9 (4):135-144.
    The sequencing of the human genome and decreasing costs of sequencing technology have led to the notion of ‘personalized medicine’. This has been taken by some authors to indicate that personalized medicine will provide individualized treatments solely based on one’s DNA sequence. We argue this is overly optimistic and misconstrues the notion of personalization. Such interpretations fail to account for economic, policy and structural constraints on the delivery of healthcare. Furthermore, notions of individualization based on genomic data potentially take us (...)
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  35. Why do we have a special learning system in the hippocampus?,(Abstract 580).J. L. McClelland, B. L. McNaughton & R. C. O’Reilly - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31:404.
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    Contribution of ethics education to the ethical competence of nursing students.N. Cannaerts, C. Gastmans & B. D. D. Casterle - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (8):861-878.
    Aims: To review the literature on perceptions of nursing students and/or educators on the contribution of ethics education to ethical competence in nursing students. Background: Nurses do not always demonstrate the competencies necessary to engage in ethical practice. Educators continue to debate about the best ways to teach ethics to nurses so that they can develop ethical competencies. Data sources: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Web of Science. Review methods: A total of 15 articles with a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods (...)
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    Jean-Paul Sartre, the Existentialist Ethic. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):541-541.
    Arguing that Sartre's social philosophy is both heuristic and normative, Greene's book represents a major contribution to the study of Sartre. He desires to eschew any evaluative judgments on Sartre's work and to concentrate on how to unravel the social philosophy of Sartre. But herein lies the major shortcoming: although warning the reader to be wary when interpreting Sartre's fiction and insisting that the major source of Sartre's doctrine is to be found in Being and Nothingness, Greene neither indicates how (...)
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    Totemism. [REVIEW]L. B. C. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):372-372.
    An historical and critical survey of the various theories of totemism. Lévi-Strauss believes almost every theory explaining the relation held to exist between man and certain natural objects can be demolished: there seems to be no general biological or cultural framework which can account for totemism as an isolated phenomenon. But if totemism is seen as a way of thinking metaphorically, of correlating opposites, or of associating by contrariety then it becomes an example of a mode of thinking common to (...)
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    Environmental health research on hazards in the home and the duty to warn.David B. Resnik & Darryl C. Zeldin - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (4):209–217.
    When environmental health researchers study hazards in the home, they often discover information that may be relevant to protecting the health and safety of the research subjects and occupants. This article describes the ethical and legal basis for a duty to warn research subjects and occupants about hazards in the home and explores the extent of this duty. Investigators should inform research subjects and occupants about the results of tests conducted as part of the research protocol only if the information (...)
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    New Dialogue with Anglo-American Philosophy. [REVIEW]F. B. C. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (4):773-774.
    Etienne Gilson once remarked that if philosophers cannot agree about the nature or meaning of being, they will in all likelihood agree about very little else. This observation is certainly applicable to Professor Webster’s putative "dialogue" with Anglo-American philosophy on the problem of being, rational thought and natural theology. He contends that a genuinely fundamental interpretation of scientism, logicism or linguisticism necessitates a philosophical strategy based on unity as a transcendental which is accessible to logic. This initial confrontation leads to (...)
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    Selected Writings and Speeches. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):625-625.
    This interesting selection of Burke's writings and speeches is marred by two editorial flaws. Stanlis never indicates the sources of the selections. This failure is compounded by the fact that, contrary to his asserted purpose, he has omitted relevant material on almost every page.--C. E. B.
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  42. Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling. [REVIEW]F. B. C. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (2):400-400.
    The present volume contains Part Four, "The Great Shift," of Susanne Langer’s projected six-part magnum opus entitled, Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling. The first volume dealt with three parts: "Problems and Principles," "The Import of Art," and "Natura Naturans;" Volume II rests squarely on these three foundational parts. The balance of the work will be concerned with "The Moral Structure," and with "Knowledge and Truth." In this reviewer’s opinion, Professor Langer’s essay is easily the most significant theory of mind (...)
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    Can and should means-ends reasoning be used in teaching?C. J. B. Macmillan & James E. McClellan - 1967 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 5 (4):375-406.
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    Redefining neuromarketing as an integrated science of influence.Hans C. Breiter, Martin Block, Anne J. Blood, Bobby Calder, Laura Chamberlain, Nick Lee, Sherri Livengood, Frank J. Mulhern, Kalyan Raman, Don Schultz, Daniel B. Stern, Vijay Viswanathan & Fengqing Zhang - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  45. De Cessatione Legalium.Robert Grosseteste, Richard C. Dales & Edward B. King - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (1):179-179.
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    Existential feelings as a phenomenological framework for psychedelic therapy.Floris B. Tijhuis, Sabrina Coninx & Léon C. de Bruin - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
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  47. Concepts of teaching: philosophical essays.C. J. B. Macmillan & Thomas W. Nelson (eds.) - 1968 - Chicago,: Rand McNally.
    Introduction: conceptual analysis of teaching, by B. P. Komisar and T. W. Nelson.--A concept of teaching, by B. O. Smith.--The concept of teaching, by I. Sheffler.--A topology of the teaching concept, by T. F. Green.--Teaching: act and enterprise, by B. P. Komisar.--Must an education have an aim? By R. S. Peters.--Curriculum as a field of study, by D. Heubner.--Can and should means-ends reasoning be used in teaching? By C. J. B. Macmillan and J. E. McClellan.
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    Adam Smith Speaks to Our Times. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (2):303-303.
    Without extensive argument or elaboration of implications, the author presents Smith's views on ethical matters peculiarly important to our own era. Having previously assumed that Smith's statement alone is sufficient, the author permits him to speak extensively.--C. E. B.
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  49. [Life tables 1988-1990].J. B. Casterline, E. C. Cooksey, A. F. Ismail, P. Chequer, N. Hearst, E. S. Hudes, E. Castilho, G. Rutherford, L. Loures & L. Rodrigues - 1992 - Journal of Biosocial Science 24 (2):245-60.
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    Problemi epistemologici da Hume all 'ultimo Wittgenstein'. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):393-393.
    A collection of essays aiming to present a historical study of the problematics of a philosophy of science. Relying upon a questionable understanding of Kant and his effect on later thought, the author exhausts his subject more by flank action than by direct, sharp attack. Each thinker is treated separately. Conclusions, he asserts, can be found as a chain of thought from article to article; but that chain resists detection. --C. E. B.
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